Image and point cloud processing for content analysis and 3D detection

As digital management of new and existing buildings and other kinds of construction sites are getting larger and increasingly more complex, the amount of work needed to gather accurate information about them get more and more time-consuming. If the constructed sites are not properly surveyed, preferably using Building Information Model (BIM) paradigms, this could lead to expensive repairs in the future. Due to this, there have been various researches on many aspects of this process. We limit ourselves to considering those more related to this PhD project giving more focus on 3D data coming from 3D acquisition devices conceived to work in construction sites and large environment survey contexts (in particular SLAM LiDAR-based or visual-based 3D scanners).


  • Primary: Alberto Signoroni
  • Other advisors: Mattia Savardi, Matteo Sgrenzaroli, Marco Bianchetti


Short Bio

Currently, I am studying to become a Research and Development (R&D) engineer in informatics, which can be for any application, but the ones that interest me most would be for communication or healthcare. Right now, I have had experience in the academic environment, but I still need to look for experience in other positions.